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How to Support

I often get folks asking how they can support my journey, my page, or my vision. I'll be honest with you, this is a tough one for me, because I don't believe in a handout. Folks sometimes ask if I make money from social media. Well, the truth of the matter is, I create content for free, and the only time I make money from social media is when I partner with a brand. And folks, I don't partner with a lot of brands.


This is for two reasons:

1. You don't come to my page to only see ads. I want to create content that resonates with you, keeps you laughing, and keeps you feeling seen. 


2. For me to partner with a brand, I have to use their product, swear by it, and believe in the company. I promise you, that I will never shill something for a buck. I won't peddle things that I don't use and trust, and I won't ever take advantage of my platform by being dishonest. 


So, because I've had quite a few people ask, here are a few ways to support, if you're interested! Like checking out my store/merch, partnering and collaborating as a brand, sending a letter (once I finish getting that PO Box set up, or for those who have asked for a way; buying a cup of coffee.)  Just know that I appreciate each and every one of you!




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